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Colours of the Rainbow > Encouragements

I recently had a cataract removed from my right eye, and was due to have the left one removed when the corona virus hit and all non essential operations were cancelled. The result of that is that I can now dramatically see what effect the cataract was having. When I look through the left eye […]

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You are the Light of the world. Matthew 5 vs 14 These incredible words Jesus spoke to His followers having already told them He was the Light of the world. John 8 vs 12 Amazing indeed. The other evening as we were worshiping in our meeting room, I believe the Lord drew my attention to […]

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In Philipians 4 vs 4 Paul encourages us to … Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Yes he does, and he writes this from prison. In the Passion translation those verses read ‘Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let joy overflow.’ This might not seem to be […]

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The big message that I believe the Lord wants us to hear today in this time of isolation is that there is no isolation for us from God. ‘He is with us’. The Lord is wanting us to begin to realize the immensity of this statement. It’s a phrase He repeats over and over again […]

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As infection and death rates rise from the Corona virus so, the enemy is also generating fear. Fears abounding in all areas of life. Fears for health, and for life are obvious but there are also fears for family and friends, fears for jobs and homes, fears for our way of life, our economy and […]

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Over the last few days Mark and I have been in the extraordinary situation of waiting on two different daughters for phone calls from two very different hospital situations. One to give us news of our son in law who has contracted corona virus and was needing oxygen to help his breathing , and the […]

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This morning I was reminded of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20 vs 5 – 25 especially from vs 14 onwards. Vs 15 Be not afraid or dismayed at this great multitude for the battle is not yours but the Lords Vs 17 stand and witness the salvation of the Lord who is with you, do […]

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Today I felt the Lord say that we are an Esther generation. Her uncle Mordecai positioned her and got her prepared to be in position as the Kings bride to petition against the evil plots of the wicked Haman who was planning to destroy the Jewish nation. We are the bride of Christ and I […]

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