Our Vision

Our vision and hope is that people who come to Hillcrest will receive the love, goodness, kindness and grace of God in whatever way they need to, so they can glorify Him by enjoying Him [more] for ever ( as stated in the Westminster Catechism). In enjoying Him, and His friendship, they can grow into all He has for them, discover their unique God given design, calling and destiny, and be more able to give away His love to others.
We want to play our part in preparing the bride of Jesus Christ for His return.

How can we do that?

  • By being a place where worship and thanksgiving to the Lord is integral to our rhythm of life here along with fellowship, friendship and laughter so that the Lord Jesus is honoured among us and anyone who wants to join us, whatever else is happening in life and society.
  • By being a place where people can come and savour His prescence whether in relaxation, reflection, refreshment and recharging and/or sharing with us in our walk of worship, prayer and fellowship.
  • By being a discovery centre – where people can discover the incredible love of God in Jesus for the first time, or rediscover the adventure of exploring further the fantastic kindness, goodness of God and His truth.
  • By providing the environment, support or ministry where you can receive God the Father’s extraordinary love, encounter the Lord Jesus and His grace, and experience the powerful water of life that is the Holy Spirit bringing recovery and renewal or training and equipping.

Why is this needed?

Life is busy, the world is noisy, responsibilities and demands seem endless and increasing. Weariness and even burnout can feel just round the corner. We need space, and sometimes help, to hear God, hear our own hearts and in encountering Him afresh find our true selves again. All of us, and maybe especially those in busy jobs, busy homes, ministry and church leadership, can experience high levels of demand and expectation exacerbated by isolation. Time out is even more a vital necessity in the hectic 21st Century world. Even God rested after 6 days work. Can we afford not to?

Who is it for?

Anyone who would like to share in our life and journey of worship, fellowship, prayer work and laughter.

Anyone who wants to find and make the time and space to meet with God, encounter Him and discover more of His rich love.

Those who long for a better relationship with Jesus, and/or a deeper understanding of Father God and His Heart.

Those who want to readjust their lives to get back in tune with themselves to find the real me again, discover my place in God’s heart and my unique calling, and ground that in truth and reality.

Those who are seeking support or ministry in discovering and experiencing the power and grace of Jesus to meet and answer our many and various pains, needs and longings.

Those whose batteries are running low.

Leaders and those in Ministry who need a safe place to come and be renewed.

For more information about us and what we do please also go to:

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