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Colours of the Rainbow > 2021 > October

Thinking further about Jeremiah and his complaint, we can see that the main focus of the enemy’s attack on Jeremiah was to cast doubt on the character and the goodness of God. This was an attack on Jeremiah faith, fundamental to his good relationship with God, and his ministry as God’s prophet to the nation […]

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Slow me down? I hear you say, I need something to speed me up, especially after covid, and isolation and staying home etc. Well it is probably the case that, while for many people life ‘slowed down’ during covid lockdowns, for many others it became relentlessly busy. I would also like to postulate that even […]

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Extravagant… meaning – Immoderate; exceeding the bounds of reason; profuse, wasteful; exorbitant.  [Oxford Dictionary]. When I was a child, being a post war baby, being ‘extravagant’ was not a virtue. Whether you were extravagant with the amount of sugar you put in a drink, the amount of money you spent on clothes, or the amount […]

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I think singing must be very important to the Lord. As I glance through the concordance at the occurrence of the word ‘singing’ in the bible, it becomes clear that whenever anything eventful happens, when ever God acts, or is present with His people, there is singing. In heaven itself the singing must be wonderful […]

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I was walking this morning in the wood nearby here, and became aware of many, many small oak trees. They varied in height but some were barely waste high. Then I looked up to see the full height of the oak trees that had shed their acorns to enable this vast little army of oaks […]

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