We are living in a media age, where we can get so much information about all the bad things happening in the world, that sometimes it feels like the news is just a display case for all that the enemy is doing. Famine, war, disease, poverty, natural disasters and the evil mankind perpetrates on fellow man. There is non stop coverage if we want it.
It sometimes feels apocalyptic, and it can make us feel overwhelmed, insecure or very afraid. We can of course limit our viewing, a wise move no doubt, but an even better antidote to fear would be to turn our hearts to the Lord and thank Him that His Kingdom cannot be shaken and that we are a part of that Kingdom.
At the end of Hebrews 12 vs 26-29 we read that God is going to shake the earth and the heavens so that only those things which cannot be shaken will remain, it’s a quotation from the prophet Haggai. The writer then goes on to say ‘Therefore since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire’. NIV
It is interesting that the word apocalypse, in these days, is often used synonymously with the disasters from the book of Revelation. The word apocalypse is actually the Greek word for our English ‘revelation’. The full title of the last book in the bible is actually The Revelation (Apocalypse) of Jesus Christ.
It is in fact a revelation or unveiling of the Lords ultimate victory over all the devil can and will do to thwart Gods plan of salvation. The book ends with the marriage of the Lamb and His blood bought bride. It is a ‘revelation’ not to scare us but to encourage us. Chapter 22 vs 16 ‘I Jesus have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the churches’. The end of the story is that God wins!!!
We have all heard of the phrase and probably used it ourselves “I can’t thank you enough”. We associate it with times when we are extremely grateful for something. Something lifesaving, literally or metaphorically speaking. It’s a phrase the Lord brought to mind yesterday morning, I believe, for this blog. May be it’s a phrase we need to use when it feels as if our whole world is being shaken.
We have a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and as we turn and thank the Lord for His presence His promises and His care for us, He will reveal Himself to us in all the shaking and show Himself to be our faithful deliverer in all our troubles. Paul in Romans chapter 8 vs 31-39 covers just about every trouble that could come our way, when he declares that ‘in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us’.
In these shaking days let’s turn to Jesus and say, “Lord I just can’t thank you enough that in all these things you are with me and will never leave me” and that nothing can separate me from your love, ‘neither death nor life, neither angels, nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord’. NIV
That’s security.