We are living at a time when so many people don’t actually know that there is a God who cares about them. It has become very clear during this current pandemic that the devil has done a good job of convincing everyone that God doesn’t exist, so that when in real trouble not many people know where they can turn.
Psalm 107 is an amazing psalm of testimony and praise to God for the many different ways in which He has delivered His people in different ways and different seasons. It begins, ‘Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord ‘say so’, who He has redeemed form the hand of the foe.NIV.
Thanking God for what He has done publicly by ‘saying so’ is a wonderfully natural form of evangelism. Your testimony can open someones eyes, Christian or non Christian to what they can have too, if they ask the Lord for His help in the different circumstances of their life. I remember when taking my finals at Uni. a friend saying “I think I’m going to join your lot” when I told Him how the Lord was helping me and giving me peace. Your testimony, thanking God for His help, His provision, His healing, His peace or whatever else He has done for, you can arouse curiosity in a friend or neighbor, opening a door to more conversation or even prayer.
The world watches us and if you are living a thankful lifestyle you will have a ready testimony of things that the Lord has done for you. In Psalm 67 the psalmist prays “God be merciful to us and bless us and make your face to shine on us, that your ways may be known on earth and your salvation among all nations. Vs 7 God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear Him”.
When people ‘see’ and hear about God at work in your life, they will know He is real and begin to ‘fear’ Him. Your thanksgiving and ‘say so’ will give God a lot of glory and may just save a life. So let us, the redeemed of the Lord ‘say so’ by our thanksiving to our wonderful God.